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Impressive Floors, Kansas City

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Grand Rapids Cleaning Services

Carpentry Work The Registered agent of Impressive Floors is Kory Sheldo Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : The tenants are the in charge of every day cleaning along with the maintenance in the home. They could be detained answerable if they agree to lack of cleanliness to root an increase of the health hazards illnesses, mould and pest infestation. The elimination of all these hazards is expensive as well as the renters will be charged for the invoice.
In some of the shared construction areas, the cleaning duty is usually a task of the landowner. Some of the specialized industrial cleaning services in the home are considered to be a responsibility of the property owner. A good example of this would be the gutter cleaning, which is the responsibility that is handled by the landlord.
Tenants could do their own professional end of tenancy cleaning. The landowner can

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Impressive Floors in Kansas City you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

Established in: 2002

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 Phone: no specified
 Address: 7318 N Crystal Ave
64119, Kansas City, Missouri

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